Thursday 15 December 2011

i want to do this with you

watch from after 2 mins unless you want to watch the whole thing cos it's quite good

Wednesday 14 December 2011

you'll get through the book in no time if you're this fast...

just remembered...

I just recalled our conversation (last week?) on the topic of Facebook relationships! I can't believe I convinced you so easily! :) On another note, I want to take you here again! Instead of driving, though, I'd like to walk.

Sunday 11 December 2011

good morning!

As it's the official start of the week (according to you), I'd just like to say.....


Oh, and.... We made it :)

Wednesday 7 December 2011

top 5 Questions I get about you/our relationship

#1 How did you meet your boyfriend if he's from England?
#2 Does he have an accent?
#3 Simon Fowell? Are you joking or is that his real name? (Simon Cowell reference)
#4 Is it hard being in a long distance relationship?
#5 Do you plan on moving there in the future?

People, people (Minkus voice) Sooo predictable! :) So, I'm going to start playing around with the answers:

#1 I met him on an international Internet dating website called, "Are you tired of all the men in your country?"
#2 Yes, Australian.
#3 I'm only joking! It's Simon Cowell.
#4 It's not too bad since it's an open relationship.
#5 I don't think it'll last long, to be honest

Don't worry. I don't mean it. I love you to pieces :)

Monday 5 December 2011

this is my business school

this is where i have all my seminars, but unfortunately not many lectures because there aren't many big room here as you can probably tell. we have them on one of the ugliest buildings on campus, whereas this is one of (i think it IS) the nicest. love you

Sunday 27 November 2011

Sunday 13 November 2011

I don't mean to keep playing her songs..

But I thought you could use this :)
"I'll never judge you. I can only love you."

And I can't wait until Nov. 20! One more week! I just want to open this already :) I hope you get my package soon! What if we sent each other the same thing? Ha! Come on November!!!

Thursday 10 November 2011

the jury's out, my choice is you

"Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me. Lurking in the shadows with their
lipgloss smiles, but i don't care because right now you're mine....
The stakes are high, and life makes love look hard, but this love is ours."

I love you.

Saturday 5 November 2011

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Thursday 27 October 2011

Phil the Clown

This is the best we could really do for Phil for Halloween. He's a clown. I'd put little booties or a nose on, but just imagine Phil staying still long enough for that! No chance. So, a large hair scrunchy anddd Phil is a clown! xo

Monday 17 October 2011

watch this without laughing!


I can't sleep!!!! That's okay. I'll just wonder about your big shoot. PLEASE tell me you remembered to record it!!? Don't make me cry. I can't wait to see!!!! :)

I chose this one because this is the shirt you're wearing for your BIG DAY :) okay, I'll stop with that now.

Sunday 16 October 2011

hanging out to dry

this is the clothes line in our kitchen, if i leave it out long enough, it starts to smell like the fod we're cooking ;)

Thursday 13 October 2011

Dear Simon

I had a look through the London book today, but I still have a LOT to go through. I'm going in order :) I want to go through everything with you! (Now you regret getting it for me, huh?)

I'm sorry that I don't have any amazing updates for you. That's probably because we had quite the elaborate conversation earlier. BUT I hope that this image will make you remember a fabulous night DT (:

I love you.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Sunday 9 October 2011


THIS forgot to mention a sail boat. how embarrassing! don't they know great relationships start that way?

student cups

the Tate modern

This is the link for vincent V G

This is the link for good ol' Pablo

Friday 7 October 2011

it was cool enough for these :)

it was cool enough to wear the socks your parents got me today! so i got super comfy with them and an oversized jacket :) wish you were here!

Monday 3 October 2011

i met an ex England rugby legend today

I was in GAP today looking at the 50% sale when i saw Jason Robinson, England rugby legend! shook his hand and said it was an honour to meet him. He scored in the world cup final 8years ago, but look at this video to see some of his skills. the video quality isnt fantastic but you get the idea...he is insanely good!

Sunday 2 October 2011

Cookiwiches, Packages, and Woods

Dear Simon,

I didn't know what to put up on the blog today. So, I decided to write you a letter. By the way, this is the letter. I hope that you are reading this in good health. I hate when you're sick!

Speaking of sick, you really have me worried about getting sick when I go to see you! That. can't. happen. Anyway, tonight I baked cookies so I can have a cookiewich tomorrow! WIN! Hello breakfast, lunch and dinner :) Ha! Just kidding!

I can't wait to talk to you later tonight. I have so much to say! Nothing from who we've been waiting to hear back from (boo). Maybe by the time we talk I'll have a response! Tomorrow I think I'm going to send your package :) IF I get what I need to get done, first. We'll see. It doesn't make a huge difference for you, seeing as it takes a YEAR just to reach your neck of the woods. OOOHH, speaking of woods!
Well, that's about all I'll write. I don't want to overwhelm you :) I love you! See you in a bit!

this is a guy taking the mick out of people who go on gap years let's hope we don't end up like that

Thursday 29 September 2011

I miss your humor next to mine

So I was watching a reality t.v show (Undercover Boss) and these two men, who work at a convenience store, had to throw out all the old donuts in order to make room for the new ones. Anyway, one of the workers was upset about wasting all the food and said, "I just do not understand this." GET IT!!!!? Donut understand! LOL! I was so happy with myself and wanted to tell you... but obviously you're asleep.

this reminds me of our journey to the airport when we stopped off for a bite to eat

Saturday 24 September 2011

locket & video

i love this
especially because it's from you. i need to find pictures to put in it. any suggestions?

they made me laugh when I found them again today :)

Friday 23 September 2011

just a simple one for now..

I'm about to head out for my lunch date, but I wanted to say I love you and I hope you have an amazinggg night out! I will update another when I'm back!


and for your entertainment: FABULOUS PHOTOS. my favorite would have to be the child in band and the first bright eyes one. :) oh man... some of these makes me miss the 90s sometimes.

is this a bear or a dog?

Wednesday 21 September 2011

we winnn ! ! we winnn ! ! (the East anyway)

SOOOO, essentially Jorge came into the game, it was tied at the time, to pinch hit and was successful! CLICK CLICK CLICK to read/see it :) I miss you!! Wish you could have watched it with us.

Phil, Niko, and U S A Priority Mail!!

So, today my dad headed upstairs and called Phil and Phil's ears shot straight up and he proceeded to run the opposite way.... There was nothing there. Poor Phil! He doesn't know ANYTHING!

Also, Niko is STILL looking out the window. Perhaps he thinks you're coming back. I hope he's right.

Anyway, here's a hint for what I'm sending you:
A PACKAGE!! but of what? you'll have to wait and see :)

Oh, and a very important side note.... Can I send packages to the address you gave me? Say yes!

this is impressive

this is so cool

for when i need cheering up

this is one of my favourite pictures, as you know, so it'll be useful while we're not together. ill open my wallet when i'm bored in lectures.

p.s. i like the video of you and the other man in your life (aka phil). he is mental, i wonder what goes through his mind

Tuesday 20 September 2011

just the usual...

BTW, I keep finding the notes you hid in my room. I started to look through our "what makes you smile?" book and found another just now! This is great :) I can't wait to hide things in your room, too.

Monday 19 September 2011

soon we'll be this good...

i liked painting the rocks with you, mine is in my bag and will be safely put along side the other ones at home

Sunday 18 September 2011

For when you check...

I had the BEST time with you in the last two weeks baking together, eating with you, spending the weekend in Morro and one in SB together, drinking, sleeping, waking up, brushing our teeth, and everything else. I can't believe it's coming to an end already! I know that it'll be okay this time, though. I have enough pictures and memories to hold me over until I see you next. HOWEVER, if you decide you want to come out before planned that's fine by me :) I love you! Let's make our bread together now!! <3

Tuesday 13 September 2011

on the couch watching the game...just shaved

(back row left to right): Tiff, Simon
(front row left to right): just phil

Phil looks like his eyes are being pulled back really tightly, and i just don't look right with a shaven chin

Saturday 10 September 2011

Thursday 1 September 2011

Wednesday 31 August 2011


sorry for not putting anything up in awhile! i saw this and i thought "we've done all of these!" (all except #6 i think).

I love you

PS, i don't think i've ever put these up from my computer :)

we'll see if youcan rebember...

can't wait for this, you'll have to excuse me if i don't do it straight away...unless we can do it while kissing

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Saturday 27 August 2011

for your pleasure..

I was going to post the video I took last night, but this is the full song. Anyway, if you want to hear fabulousness.... click ME! :)

Friday 26 August 2011

just sayin...

Perhaps I am meant to be Derek's wife. Why else would this happen? And I'm not saying I hoped for it to happen.. It is what it is.

PS.. if you care to be amused, read what some people are saying in the comments under the article lol

vote simon

introducing...a one-take-wonder. hope this makes your life

Thursday 25 August 2011

toronto international film festival

lets go to the toronto international film festival

then we (you) can get a picture next to the sign like rachel weisz...

what do you think?

Wednesday 24 August 2011


so.. basically, this is the best/cutest idea ever!

and it's so inspiring!

Oh, and...

what a wonderful 90s receptionist! :)

fancy going?

as i was looking to see if there were any gigs etc, i came accross this. if you want to go, id be happy to join you. might be useful for ideas for starting up something?...

Tuesday 23 August 2011


“I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.” -Roy Croft

Monday 22 August 2011

Our favorite thing ever.... fOOD!

Can we please make these when you come? :) MMMM!


  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 1/2 cups white sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 fluid ounce red food coloring
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon distilled white vinegar
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease two 12 cup muffin pans or line with 20 paper baking cups.
  2. In a large bowl, beat the butter and sugar with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Mix in the eggs, buttermilk, red food coloring and vanilla. Stir in the baking soda and vinegar. Combine the flour, cocoa powder and salt; stir into the batter just until blended. Spoon the batter into the prepared cups, dividing evenly.
  3. Bake in the preheated oven until the tops spring back when lightly pressed, 20 to 25 minutes. Cool in the pan set over a wire rack. When cool, arrange the cupcakes on a serving platter and frost with desired frosting.

Oh, and btw.. these

Things we say when it's late at night

  • "I would let you touch my stomach more if you wore more neutral colors. You wear bright colors and it scares me." -T
  • "If you were famous and you wanted to do a very very VERY famous opening, you wouldn't want a helicopter because people's hats and dresses would fall off... and that's not cute." -T
  • "I don't want you to get in a fire." -T "What fire is that?" -S "Looting. Half of those people don't have a left foot. You think what you want to think. My hands are tied." -T
  • "My icepack is moving off my chest because of my heartbeat, so if it doesn't move then it means I'm dead. If it does move,  I still might have some other life-threatening illness." -T

yard sale

this is what im going to be like when we have a yeard sale..."get your teeeee-shiiirrrrrts, 3 for 10. don't be shy, have a try!"