Thursday 30 May 2013

a comma can make all the difference

A bus driver was running late on his usual journey. Then, on his way down the high street, smoke started pouring out of the engine. The driver, furious, got out and started having a look and poking around at things.
A lady saw what was going on, came out of her house and said, "need a screw driver?"

The bus driver, looked at her shocked and replied, "Any other day, I would have loveed to, but I'm ten minutes late already you see."

Wednesday 29 May 2013

You better run, better run

This is what I was talking about: Sex League 2013. It's awful.

On another note, the running trail yesterday was fab. We went up that hill in the distance and could see the city from up there while we ran the edge. Can you find the bluejays? There are two :)

And today's run looked a little something like this: 

Not a long run today, just warm-up and cool-down jogs. We mostly did circuit training today :)

not-so smoovee

 banana blueberries raspberries milk and ice...a bit too much ice

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Stinging nettles

Yes, I wouldn't miss these if I left the UK, however I would prefer being stung by these than get bitten by a rattle snake etc.

I have been sting so many times by these: on walks; fetching cricket balls; fetching footballs; anything really. They're so common and they cause a rash of white spots. They go through trousers too, so it's hard to escape their stingers. But wherever you find these, you'll often find dock rub these on the rash and it soothes the pain.

I remember falling into a whole patch of nettles when i was young and got stung all over my body, not nice!

this is like me when i get stung

The magical dock leaf

you can make soup from the nettles


very ouch

Monday 27 May 2013


Just a little something I thought you'd like to see.

I ate all of it and felt not an ounce of guilt afterwards :)

I also made these coconut-crusted lemon bars. SO GOOD.

Then, I picked these bad boys.... make this wonderful protein shake.

Food food food food!! And as I sit here typing this, I'm thinking of what I want to eat tomorrow at work. Oh, and if you're wondering, I also had dinner: BBQ ribs, zucchini, and salad. Proud of me?

Sunday 26 May 2013

Does this mean I have to be a soccer fan now?

Manchester + Yankees.  It's funny that people who are excited by this are calling the Yankees (and Manchester) "pioneers."...... have you looked up the term yankee lately? Haha

Anyway, today I ran on the treadmill and I was actually quite inspired! I was running in the Yankee-enclave with pictures of Derek Jeter and Mariano everywhere! What's more motivational than that? Allow me to demonstrate my emotions as I completed tonight's 45 minute run.

At first, I started in a nice steady jog. No problems here. Just warming up.

As I went on, my energy level was through the roof.  5 miles? No problem!

Then my knee started to hurt and I thought I was going to have to quit.

But I didn't want this injury to keep me from finishing what I set out to do, so I kept going....

And I finished!!! And for a brief moment, I was a champion.

The end! Anyway, going to go look at Wahhh (.com) now lol. Speak to you soon!

Saturday 25 May 2013

I made this!! It was a chocolate chip, peanut butter, strawberry shake with protein powder. SO good. At first I was apprehensive about the combination, but it was (SoCal accent) super dank.

Also, the run today was so nice! We tried a different route that went through some hills, and we started about a half an hour later than usual. Epic sunset. Perfect weather. Didn't take any pictures, though!


I'm off for a run soon and I thought I'd get motivated by looking up the course. How beautiful is it? California, I love you! On a slightly less exhilarating note, all those years of training have left my ankle and knees in pretty poor condition. I'm 23 going on 80! Luckily, my friends will be taping me up. One of the benefits of kenesi friends :) 

"I'm Tiffany. I'm 23 years old and I'm from California – LA." Just thought I'd throw that in. Hope you get the reference lol. By the way, extra innings in the game right now! As Cindy would say.. __ Yeah!!

how to heat up in a cold May


Friday 24 May 2013

Guest Blogger

Dear viewers of the web,

It is tonight that I announce the courtship between two most spectacular individuals. Hailing from England, land of all things old and tiny, is Sir Simon. Sir Simon is a rare man, one by which all other men should be measured. His polite and generous ways have touched the lives of people in nearly every corner of the globe.

In October of 2010, Sir Simon sailed the seven seas, eventually washing up on a magical land known as Santa Barbara, California. Santa Barbara was an eye-opening experience for the young Englishman, as he took part in many festivities unknown to the world of England. Snappa, Gaucho Ball, and other Olympic-type events that constantly had him in a state of bewilderment, unsure of how he had gotten so far in life without such stimulating activities.

Alas, one fine day, Sir Simon met a female friend at the Santa Barbara harbor, a most romantic destination for lovers and elderly (and elderly lovers) alike. There she stood, 5'5"tall – Lady Tiffany – wrapped carefully in a California coastguard-approved life vest. Casual and cool, alike many other California girls, but unlike any other girl he'd ever met. She won the heart of Sir Simon mere minutes after sailing off together. And as they sailed into the horizon, both took comfort in the idea that, for one brief and shimmering moment, the Yankees weren't the greatest thing to have ever happened to this world.

And the rest, as the say, is history.

But in Californian speak.. Simon, Tiffany is one of the smartest and nicest girls I know – and have ever known. She's a great friend, the best I could ask for, and deserves nothing but the best.

You lucky, lucky bastard.

I seriously hope his son grows up to be this awesome! He's just a wonderful, wonderful human being. 

In other news, the Yankees are winning 8-0 in the 6th, so it's safe to say it's been a great night. Oh, aside from coming up with any great storyboard ideas for my meeting next week. Crossing my fingers that it'll come to me in my dreams!

If not, the weather has been perfect (i.e. a chilling 75 degrees), so maybe it'll come to me in a good old run. Oh bry the way, I love you!

Thursday 23 May 2013

I Run Cali

That's meant to be a spin off of I run NY. Does it work? Have you even heard of that saying? Anyway, this is a view of a ranch near where I ran yesterday. Those little brown things that look like bushes are actually trees. Like, big ones. I was just up too high to tell. Perspective, it's all about perspective. 

Btw, you know that run I used to do near campus point? I've been thinking about it lately, and I might drive up with my friends in a few weekends just to do it again. Swayyy!

*Oh and by "little brown things," I'm referring to the ones in the distance, not the ones up close. Those are obviously not trees, haha. Oops :) 

Also – Check this link out, it's about a high school senior who talks about the support his classmates have given him after coming out. Equal rights hashtag here?

Angry Birds...but real life

I was on the phone to my uncle who was at Papi's while this bird kept on flying into the window...i think he saw his reflection in it.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Seriously Amazing

How beautiful is this story? I wish everyone in this storm could have endings like this.

Monday 20 May 2013

Okay, so after this I'll actually do my research for that company I'm speaking with, but you might be interested in this! I didn't know he's 22! And I love the last line, "I've got morals." Glad for him :)

California Girl

So Katy Perry's sort of known for her American patriotism, but LOOK! She definitely has love for the Brits. Well, at least she did while she was with her ex-hubby, but you know what I mean. I love her!

sooo good

Particularly like the 'stay at home daughter'

Sunday 19 May 2013

I thought you might like this.

i finished harry potter today; 1 down, 6 to go

Thursday 16 May 2013

This is a view from my run tonight. The weather was perfect (and there were horses!)

I was going through the Tumblr earlier for fun. Best times :)

Monday 13 May 2013

Saturday 11 May 2013

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Just thought I'd share a few (awesome*) things:

*Awesome being used here strictly in the American vernacular as a colloquial exaggeration. i.e. dank.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

I can't even get over what happened. It's so sad, because when we were there it was so calm and there were so few people around. If only it were another time or place....

I thought this was pretty interesting and along the lines of what we saw

Saturday 4 May 2013