Monday 27 August 2012

Will that number thing work with a Mac? I'm scared to do it lol. I'll watch the video soon :) I just finished having dinner! Fish and chips. I'm stuffed! I'm listening to Heather Janssen (again) with a face mask on. :) I put my video up today after all. I decided I didn't want to wait and risk having someone else upload first. Anyway, I love you. I had such a nice time speaking to you and your family today (and yesterday). I'm glad they're doing well and you're able to spend some time with them.

I'll speak to you in a few hours! I'll also add something on here if I come across anything cool in the next few days.

XO <--- the 'O' is very important.

lights, camera, action

I don't know if you'll like this or find it interesting but I found this while I was working and, well, here it is

Thursday 23 August 2012

Ctrl F then press 9. This took me so long! there's got to be a quicker way


I dont even know if this will work!

Saturday 18 August 2012

The Great Fall

I don't think I've told you about yesterday. After eating lunch with my mom, we casually left the restaurant and I was talking to her about going to Origins and buying something before I took off to work. That's when I stepped onto the island, more specifically I stepped on a large glass bulb in the ground, and at first I thought, "I'm about to trip." Then, suddenly, rather than recovering as I've done in the entirety of my life, I fell, scraped my arm and landed on my butt. I then proceeded to laugh hysterically for a good 10 minutes afterwards, and throughout the day whenever I thought of the incident. It was an absolute defining moment in my life; my first memory of falling.

Fall down 7 times, stand up 8?

It was great.

XO! Off to work :) TTYL

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Monday 13 August 2012


thank you for the 'future me' email, i'd never heard of that and it's really cool! i will always give you a call

i bought insurance for our travels and it covers me for pretty much anything so expect to see me doing some homemade bungee jump type things lol.

Wednesday 1 August 2012


hey cheeks,

I am really sad that I can't be with you on your birthday! but we will have a joint celebration out in Thailand for sure which I can't wait for. I will wake up early friday morning (thurs afternoon for you) so I can have a chat with you.

I should be back from the olympics not too late so I will be able to have a dinner date with you at your lunch time...i will dress up smart.

I am looking forward to doing the gliding on friday, i have no idea how long i will be up in the air for but hopefully i will be able to take some photos. It's going to be so quiet up there because there's no engine which might make things a bit scarier, who knows. I get to wear a parachute too but let's hope i dont have to use it.

i miss you a lot but the next couple of months will go by quickly im sure! Hopefully i will get my backpack this weekend from the shop in my town and when i do i will take a picture

love you lots