Sunday 30 September 2012

this is it, don't get scared now


This is the morning that I leave!!

I can't wait to be on the plane as it seems like so long in the waiting. Im looking forward to seeing what Jordan is like (for the 2 hours I am there for), and I hope there are some good movies on board.

then on to Bangkok, and that is going to be quality. Not sure the weather is going to be favourable but not too bothered about that yet.

I will see you at the airport. I will be in the air by the time you read this, insane...crazy.

Love you

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Dear Simon,

I wanted to post something a bit more formal than the videos or pictures that I usually post. So, here it goes:

Thank you for standing by my side through any adversity that has come my way, for making me laugh when I'm crying, for talking to me through my restless nights, and for being patient, caring, and understanding.

There are so many things that girls go through in their lives that attempt to make them feel inadequate, and you have always been there for me to help take that negativity away. You are wonderful and I wouldn't change a single thing about you.

I am beyond excited to see you next week. I love you, I miss you, and I'll see you soon.



Monday 17 September 2012

Monday 27 August 2012

Will that number thing work with a Mac? I'm scared to do it lol. I'll watch the video soon :) I just finished having dinner! Fish and chips. I'm stuffed! I'm listening to Heather Janssen (again) with a face mask on. :) I put my video up today after all. I decided I didn't want to wait and risk having someone else upload first. Anyway, I love you. I had such a nice time speaking to you and your family today (and yesterday). I'm glad they're doing well and you're able to spend some time with them.

I'll speak to you in a few hours! I'll also add something on here if I come across anything cool in the next few days.

XO <--- the 'O' is very important.

lights, camera, action

I don't know if you'll like this or find it interesting but I found this while I was working and, well, here it is

Thursday 23 August 2012

Ctrl F then press 9. This took me so long! there's got to be a quicker way


I dont even know if this will work!

Saturday 18 August 2012

The Great Fall

I don't think I've told you about yesterday. After eating lunch with my mom, we casually left the restaurant and I was talking to her about going to Origins and buying something before I took off to work. That's when I stepped onto the island, more specifically I stepped on a large glass bulb in the ground, and at first I thought, "I'm about to trip." Then, suddenly, rather than recovering as I've done in the entirety of my life, I fell, scraped my arm and landed on my butt. I then proceeded to laugh hysterically for a good 10 minutes afterwards, and throughout the day whenever I thought of the incident. It was an absolute defining moment in my life; my first memory of falling.

Fall down 7 times, stand up 8?

It was great.

XO! Off to work :) TTYL

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Monday 13 August 2012


thank you for the 'future me' email, i'd never heard of that and it's really cool! i will always give you a call

i bought insurance for our travels and it covers me for pretty much anything so expect to see me doing some homemade bungee jump type things lol.

Wednesday 1 August 2012


hey cheeks,

I am really sad that I can't be with you on your birthday! but we will have a joint celebration out in Thailand for sure which I can't wait for. I will wake up early friday morning (thurs afternoon for you) so I can have a chat with you.

I should be back from the olympics not too late so I will be able to have a dinner date with you at your lunch time...i will dress up smart.

I am looking forward to doing the gliding on friday, i have no idea how long i will be up in the air for but hopefully i will be able to take some photos. It's going to be so quiet up there because there's no engine which might make things a bit scarier, who knows. I get to wear a parachute too but let's hope i dont have to use it.

i miss you a lot but the next couple of months will go by quickly im sure! Hopefully i will get my backpack this weekend from the shop in my town and when i do i will take a picture

love you lots

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Well, well, well.. What do we have here?

-'Glad you Came' by The Wanted
-'Dynamite' by Taio Cruz'

Should I buy it for your birthday?

Also, for your entertainment:


olympic torch relay through saffron walden

I took this the day the torch came through our town...this was the only time it wasnt raining. I thought these guys looked so good, i hoped they stayed warm. I could have used one of those blankets, i was so cold and wet that day!

some funny signs

I have this book at home that's from 1997 and it's got a list of funny signs that people have seen throughout the world...

1. Free estimates at almost no cost (from a garage forecourt)

2. Because of the impropriety of entertaining guests of the opposite sex in the bedroom, it is suggested that the lobby be used for this purpose (Zurich hotel)

3. (This one is from a hospital)... Guard dogs operating

4. Warning: never use while sleeping (warning on a hair dryer)

5. You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid (Japanese Hotel)

That's just a sample, there are many more

I miss you a lot and i look forward to finding more silly signs that have been interpreted into English badly when we go on our travels.

Love you

Sunday 22 July 2012

Thursday 5 July 2012

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Songs.... Simon's Way

Isn't she lovely------> Isn't he lovely
Wild Ones-----> Wild onesss!

Hahaha! Awww I love you. I love the little moments that you couldn't make any better even if you tried. They're the ones I remember best :) I'm watching the American Idol finale right now. I think you'll like it! I'm watching Phillip Phillips sing with his guest star, and I grew up listening to these songs, so I love it! I don't know who wins yet. Oh, and I had an amazing time on my field trip today! I can't wait to take you. They had tri-trip sandwiches, a cheese factory, a TREEHOUSE, and the cutest little patio area. Haha okay that took me about 30 minutes to type out because I started singing, "All my Exs Live in Texas," with my grandma. :) :)

Saturday 12 May 2012

Random Photo of the Week

I didn't know what I wanted to add to the blog, so I decided to open up my London album and I chose a random (: Do you remember where we were? I do! Love you!

Saturday 5 May 2012


Wait.... no, California THEN Thailand. Got a little ahead of myself. Well, I'm already in California, but you get the point. Here are some pictures to get you mentally prepared:

*PS I think you can click on the images to enlarge them :)